Join the Financial Capability Movement with JA's Free FinQuest App

We created our educational app, FinQuest, to inspire youth ages 12–16 to take ownership of their financial future. In FinQuest, users complete quests, play mini-games, and take quizzes that encourage positive attitudes and habits toward money.

We tested the app, improved it, and translated it into 10+ languages and currencies. Today, thousands of young people are using FinQuest in JA learning experiences to learn how to save, budget, and spend wisely. We're grateful to offer FinQuest to users around the world at no charge. We hope you'll help us reach thousands more by sharing the app with the young people in your life.

Parents and teachers: FinQuest isn't only for kids! You can also Quest Leader accounts to guide groups of youth through the learning experience, track progress, and measure learning gains.

Download FinQuest today from the Apple App Store, get it on Google Play, or play online from your computer or tablet.